Press Release
POSCO-INDIA Introduces PosMAC, Accelerating Solutions Marketing and WP Product Sales
- #corrosion
- #durability
- #engineering
POSCO Energy Wins Bid for Botswana Power Plant Business
- #botswana
- #construction
- #energy
POSCO Trains Global Employees of Overseas Affiliates to be the Next Generation of Junior Executives
- #building
- #culture
- #development
POSCO and Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd. Reach Record Trade of Steel
- #CEO
- #Chairman Suzuki
- #Daewoo International
POSCO Engineering Partners with Turkmenistan for the Construction of Mary Filtration Plant
- #CEO
- #Chakmak Dashy
- #Daewoo International
POSCO Celebrates the Completion of the Beijing POSCO Center
- #Beijing Office
- #building
- #China
POSTECH’s Professor Kim and Team Recognized by Renowned Materials Science Journal
- #Advanced Materials
- #energy
- #Korea
Fostering Future Global Leaders to Drive Global One POSCO
- #China
- #future
- #global talent
Innovation POSCO Grand Project Kick-Off
- #CEO
- #conference
- #engineering
Indonesian Social Enterprise KPSE.SI Contributes to Job Creation
- #environment
- #global
- #job
POSCO Introduces Superb Technology of Non-Oriented Electrical Steel
- #Art Hall
- #cars
- #eco-friendly
POSCO CEO Ohjoon Kwon Presents “Steel, Our Timeless Heritage” at 16th World Knowledge Forum
- #Abraham Darby
- #aluminum
- #automobile industry