POSCO Creates More Value for Customers with ‘Solution Marketing’
- #CEO
- #Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering
- #design
POSCO’s CEO Meets with Female Executives to Foster Career Advancement for Women
- #career advancement
- #CEO
- #ceo of posco
Golden Information for those who are interested in working at POSCO
- #Boyoung Lim
- #China
- #China Southeast Asia
Korea’s First Personal Rapid Transit (PRT), SkyCube
- #cars
- #development
- #eco-friendly
POSCO Announces First Quarter 2014 Earnings
- #automobile steel
- #conference
- #Daewoo International
Bulletproof Summer Vacation Ideas for the World’s Most Beautiful Architecture…made of Steel
- #architecture
- #Burj
- #Burj in Dubai
Transitioning from a Nomadic to Stationary Life in Mongolia
- #Baganuur Energy Corporation
- #Central Asia
- #Community Development Center
Anticipation for ‘POSCO the Great’
- #CEO
- #CEO oh-joon kwon
- #China
One of the Best Places to Work for Women
- #art
- #best places to work for women
- #career advancement
What is an Electric Vehicle and Why Should You Care?
- #BMW
- #Chevrolet Spark
- #development
The Latest Korean Soap Opera You Have to Watch!
- #beer
- #beer and fried chicken
- #Blue House President
Fostering Future Female Engineers
- #communication
- #engineering
- #furnace