Press Release
POSCO Says Thank You at its 2016 Customer Appreciation Dinner
- #2016
- #2017
- #Customer Appreciation
POSCO Multiplies Smiles by Spending Time with Needy Children in India this Christmas
- #books
- #development
- #Gee Woong Sung
POSTECH Celebrates Its 30th Anniversary
- #ceremony
- #development
- #future
Celebrating a Year of Achievement at the Innovation POSCO Festival 2016
- #ceremony
- #festival
- #future
POSCO Holds 2016 SEVIT Program in India for Automotive Parts Manufacturers
- #advanced technology
- #automotive
- #automotive industry
The POSCO TJ Park Foundation Presents the 2016 POSCO Asia Fellowship Award
- #ceremony
- #India
- #Indonesia
POSCO Holds 12th Idea Marketplace, Continuing Support for Venture Start-ups
- #conference
- #development
- #environment
POSCO Creates Steel Designs with “Inkjet-Printed Steel Sheets”
- #design
- #metal
POSCO HR Development Center Trains PECSA’s Newest Employees
- #CEO
- #Chan-gun Han
- #Changun Han
POSCO Signs MOU on Carbon Recycling with Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
- #carbon
- #ceremony
- #ICT
POSCO Takes Top Prize at 1st Asian Woman Index Awards
- #Asia Business Daily
- #Korea
- #KT
POSCO CEO Ohjoon Kwon Emphasizes “Smart Industry” at WEEF & GEDC 2016
- #engineering
- #forum