#posco steel
POSCO-made K-Steel Series Part 3. POSCO’s non-heat treatable steel for automobile CHQ
- #CHQ
- #posco steel
[Special feature for the 50th anniversary of the ISM’s completion] POSCO will open a new history of iron with hydrogen reduction ironmaking
- #history of posco
- #HyREX
- #posco steel
World Skyscrapers Steeling the Scene
- #Burj Khalifa
- #empire state building
- #HSA800
Flying in Style: How Airports Accommodate an Influx of Passengers
- #2016
- #2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics
- #airport architecture
Painting City Skies with Steel Skyscrapers
- #america sky scraper
- #asian Skyscrapers
- #building material
POSCO Cultivates Overseas Employees Through Global Mobility Program
- #communication
- #corporate culture
- #culture
Ask an Expert: Manufacturing in the 4th Industrial Revolution
- #4th industrial revolution
- #Adidas
- #Adidas Factory