Press Release
POSCO Opens Its Second Wire Rod Processing Plant in Indiana
- #construction
- #market
- #Mexico
POSCO Participates in the 2017 Renewable Energy India Expo with PosMAC Steel
- #adani
- #arctech
- #customer
POSCO-MPPC Receives the Supplier for Quality Excellence Award from GM for 3 Consecutive Years
- #automotive steel
- #automotive steel plate
The Significance of One Percent: Building Homes in Thailand
- #ceremony
- #construction
- #culture
POSCO “STEP”s Up Its Game for Shipbuilding
- #ceremony
- #construction
- #Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries
POSCO DAEWOO Completes Uzbekistan’s Biggest Combined Cycle Power Plant
- #Asian Development Bank
- #capital
- #ceremony
POSCO E&C: Rising Star in Southeast Asia
- #bangladesh
- #building
- #chittagong
Yangon, Myanmar Gets a New Landmark
- #China
- #Cycle Power Plant
- #Daewoo Amara
POSCO’s Impressive Q217 Results
- #crude steel
- #energy
- #growth
POSCO Expands Smartization to Clients and Affiliates
- #4th industrial revolution
- #AI
- #Big Data
Who was Named the World’s Most Competitive Steelmaker by WSD?
- #competitive steel maker
- #environment
- #global
The 2016 POSCO Report Highlights a Year of Sustainable Business
- #2017
- #corporate culture
- #growth