[STEEL Talk] Was there really a missile made of steel in Joseon? ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅̅ʔ
- #Joseon Era
- #Low-carbon Steel
- #STEEL Talk
[STEEL Talk] Who would win if Iron Man and Superman fought?
- #Iron Man
- #man of steel
- #STEEL Talk
[STEEL Talk] Can a ‘25-ton truck’ really hang on steel the size of a 10 won coin? For real?
- #gigasteel
- #Science
- #STEEL Talk
[worldsteel] How Steel Helped Usher in the Era of Rock and Roll
- #guitar
- #Rock and roll
- #steel
[worldsteel] Maraging Steel Delivers World’s Finest Fencing Blades
- #Fencing
- #Maraging steel
- #sports
[worldsteel] Future Mobility Solutions Will Have Steel at Their Heart
- #future cars
- #posco ahss
[worldsteel] Steel-built Rides Bring Thrills to Theme Parks across the Globe
- #Disneyland
- #rollercoaster
- #steel
[Find the Hidden POSCO] ⑤ Like the Air We Breathe, Steel — from Morning to Night
- #Green With POSCO
- #Hidden_POSCO
- #Refrigerator
Welcome to POSCO Steel Park
- #POSCO Steel Park
- #posco Steelworks
- #Sustainable steelworks
One Billion POSCO Grows with Korea
- #Demand industry
- #economic growth
- #Industry advancement
[Asian Steel Watch] Shifting Needs for Steel Materials with the Rise of 5G Telecommunications and Smart Cities
- #Asian Steel Watch
[Asian Steel Watch] The Evolution of Smart Cities and Opportunities for Steel Industry
- #Advancing Smart Cities
- #Asian Steel Watch