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"EV" Result 991
PosMAC, the First Domestic Product to Earn Environmental Product Declaration Certificate
ㅣUL(Underwriters Laboratories)’s EPD certification acquired ㅣExpected to boost sales in the worldwide solar energy and construction materials market POSCO’s
Business Story2018/09/12 -
POSCO Enhances its Free Education on AI, Big Data, and loT in Line with the Vision, “With POSCO”
ㅣ Thirteen free online and advanced offline education courses developed by world-class professors at POSTECH ㅣ Program upgraded based on previous expertise
Press Center2018/09/07 -
Just a Kiss Away: Saving the Environment with worldsteel Campaign
World Steel Association has drawn up a global campaign namely, “#LOVESTEEL” an annual initiative to promote the usage and adoption of steel. This year, steel
Steel Matters2018/09/06 -
Steel Runs Through Flying Trains, Drones, and Automobiles
The premise scene of the current Sci-Fi hit series, “Westworld” reveals guests being whisked to the entrance of Westworld, the show’s elaborate theme park.
Steel Matters2018/08/31 -
Artificial Intelligence Set in Motion
Leading high-tech companies to medical industries have adopted AI technology to utilize information in accommodating ways. Professor Zoonky Lee of Yonsei
POSCO Reports2018/08/16 -
How is Steel Omnipresent in Our Day-to-day Lives?
At this time of year, vacationers flock to the beach away from the stifling city’s scorching heat. At their hard-earned vacation in a hotel room nearby, they
Steel Matters2018/08/13 -
POSCO Credited as World’s Most Profitable Steelmaker
ㅣ POSCO chosen by Japan’s The Nikkei as world’s most profitable steelmaker ㅣ POSCO’s profitability exceeds 90% of the world’s no. 1 steel production company ㅣ
Business Story2018/07/25 -
The Next Generation Renewable Energy, Offshore Wind Power in the Limelight
Offshore wind power is a convertible wind energy source from farms across the oceans and is constantly on the rise as an alternative renewable energy. Energy
POSCO Reports2018/07/25 -
POSCO Steel Village Raises Global Threshold for Social Contribution Initiatives
ㅣ POSCO Steel Village project bestowed by UN as highly exemplary among 193 nations at UN event hosted by Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs POSCO’s Steel
Press Release2018/07/18 -
POSCO Named World’s Most Competitive Steelmaker for 9th Consecutive Year
POSCO has earned the world’s most competitive steelmaker title from the annual ranking released by World Steel Dynamics (WSD), a global steel industry
Business Story2018/07/02