I Through public-private partnership, it promotes support projects for improving the self-reliance capability of marriage migrant women and supporting their children’s career
I Provides education needed for employment to marriage migrant women and provides customized career counseling for their children
I Supports for three years with the POSCO 1% Foundation raised with 1% of POSCO employees’ salary

▲ POSCO held an agreement ceremony at POSCO Center in Seoul on the 25th with the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family and Korean Institute for Healthy Family for mutual cooperation in supporting marriage migrant women and multicultural children.
From the left, POSCO CEO Jeong-Woo Choi, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Minister Young-Ai Chung, and Korean Institute for Healthy Family Chief Keum-Ok Kim.
POSCO (CEO Jeong-Woo Choi) signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) for a project to support marriage migrant women and children with the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (Minister Young-Ai Chung) and Korean Institute for Healthy Family (Chief Keum-Ok Kim) on May 25 to support the improvement of the self-reliance capabilities of multicultural families.
POSCO CEO Choi, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Minister Chung, and Korean Institute for Healthy Family Chief Kim signed a business agreement at the POSCO Center in Seoul, to support basic learning and IT education for marriage migrant women and to support their children’s careers and scholarships.
The support project, which started last year with a collaboration between POSCO and the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, is planned to be carried out by Korean Institute for Healthy Family which directs Healthy Family Support Center and Danuri(Multicultural family support center) nationwide and will be promoted for the next three years.
This project plans to support by reflecting the needs of marriage migrant women who wish for more stable and professional jobs rather than simple labor-oriented jobs and also by focusing on GED(General Equivalency Diploma) and computer specialist education to acquire the educational background needed for employment.
Those eligible for support are marriage migrant women centered on areas of POSCO Group’s main businesses including Gyeongsangbuk-do, Jeollanam-do and, Incheon. In particular, additional scholarships will be provided when entering universities after passing the GED.
In addition, in order to help children from multicultural families grow into healthy members of society by supporting their children to go to higher education, the project will also help them choose their careers according to their interests and talents.
Along with this, it plans to select about 20 college students registered in the excellent personnel Data Base of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family to provide scholarships to develop their strengths to foster talented people who can be role models for multicultural children.
This project is very significant that it supports family members to settle and grow stably in society as the number of multicultural family members continues to increase to 1.06 million in our society and it is promoted by the POSCO 1% Foundation, which is operated by donating a portion of the salary of POSCO Group employees.
POSCO CEO Choi said, “I hope this project will help marriage migrant women who wish to work in high-quality jobs and teenagers from multicultural families who are worried about their careers.” He added, “I wish that this project will give new hope to multicultural families and create a virtuous cycle in which their changed lives give others courage.”
Meanwhile, at the MOU event, coffee was served at ‘Cafe Oasia’, run by marriage migrant women. Cafe Oasia is a social cooperative created to provide jobs for marriage migrant women, and more than half of its employees are marriage migrant women. Six of the 19 stores nationwide are operated in POSCO and the group companies’ offices.
POSCO has been steadily carrying out projects to support multicultural families. In particular, it has been supporting joint weddings for multicultural families since 2007, and in 2010, it received great response by supporting the establishment of the ‘Danuri Call Center’ which helps marriage migrant women adjust to their early life in Korea.