Press Release
Moody’s Upgrades POSCO’s Credit Rating to ‘Baa1’
- #Credit Rating
- #Credit Ratings
- #Fitch
POSCO & TSE Technologies Spearhead New Steel Demands
- #automotive steel
- #automotive steel sheets
- #MagiZinc
POSCO is First Korean Company Honored at Global Metal Awards 2018
- #giga steel
- #global metal award
- #leadership
POSCO Maharashtra Receives ‘The Best Supply Chain Solution’ Award
- #Asset
- #financial solyution
POSCO Shows Off Own Advanced Energy Steel Technologies and Solutions at OTC
- #conference
- #energy steel
- #equipment
POSCO Hosts Special Conventions for Sharing Innovative Technologies with Global Companions.
- #development
- #global
POSCO’s Consolidated Operating Profit has Exceeded 927 Million Dollars for Last Three Consecutive Quarters.
- #achievement
- #Chinese steel industry
- #Consolidated Operating Profit
POSCO Holds Its 1st CEO Succession Council Meeting
- #candidate
- #CEO
- #chairman
POSCO Dreams of 500 Billion Dollars in Sales
- #50th anniversary
- #automotive steel
- #future
POSCO Provides AI and New Steel Product Education for Overseas Executives
- #artificial intelligence
- #automotive steel
- #business
POSCO Holds the 50th General Meeting for Shareholders
- #50th anniversary
- #affiliates
- #BOD
POSCO and GE Combine Their Smart Factory Platforms
- #APM
- #Chief Digital Officer