Press Release
POSCO Reclaims Operating Profits of 4.47 Billion USD in Seven Years
POSCO Receives the First EPD Certification As Steel Company
- #Environmental Sustainability
- #EPD
- #Green Business
POSRI Releases the 6th Issue of ‘Asian Steel Watch’
- #steelwatch
POSCO’s Vocational Training Well-received by Young Job Seekers
- #Job Creation
- #Life With POSCO
- #Practical Corporate Employment Education
POSCO to Donate $500,000 to Indonesian Tsunami Relief Funds
- #Community With POSCO
- #Corporate CSR
- #Donation
POSCO’s 50-Year Vision Sets the Tone for the Industry Future
- #EVI
- #POSCO Global EVI Forum
POSCO Enhances its Free Education on AI, Big Data, and loT in Line with the Vision, “With POSCO”
- #AI
- #artificial intelligence
- #Big Data
POSCO Steel Village Raises Global Threshold for Social Contribution Initiatives
- #CSR
- #posco 1% foundation
- #POSCO Steel Village
POSCO-China Receives Highest Rating in Chinese CSR Report Evaluation
- #Corporate Social Responsibility
- #CSR
- #CSR Report
Moody’s Upgrades POSCO’s Credit Rating to ‘Baa1’
- #Credit Rating
- #Credit Ratings
- #Fitch
POSCO & TSE Technologies Spearhead New Steel Demands
- #automotive steel
- #automotive steel sheets
- #MagiZinc
POSCO is First Korean Company Honored at Global Metal Awards 2018
- #giga steel
- #global metal award
- #leadership