Press Release
POSCO CEO Jeong-Woo Choi Visits Worksites and Stresses Safety as Top Priority
- #Life With POSCO
POSCO Presents Appreciation Plaques for Korean War Veterans in 16 Countries
- #Community With POSCO
POSCO Undertakes Reorganization for “Innovation & Growth”
POSCO Taking the Lead in Discovering and Fostering Venture Companies
- #Challenge With POSCO
POSCO to Carry Out Green Hydrogen Project with Fortescue Metal Group
- #Green With POSCO
POSCO Donates 10 Billion KRW to Share with Society
- #Community With POSCO
POSCO to Establish Hydrogen Production Capacity of 5 Million Tons
Applications Open for the 14th ‘Beyond’, POSCO’s Global Youth Volunteers
- #Community With POSCO
POSCO BOD Recommends Current CEO Jeong-Woo Choi as Next CEO
POSCO Pledges to Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050 And Lead Low Carbon Society
- #Green With POSCO
POSCO Holds the “2020 Corporate Citizen POSCO Culture Day”
POSCO Participates in a Regional Regeneration Project
- #Community With POSCO