“We’re sending back families who’ve come to visit to protect our patients from the coronavirus. Our elderly veteran patients are dying alone.”
Last month, POSCO America received a phone call from the Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center (Fisher House) located in Augusta, Georgia.
On hearing this unfortunate news, POSCO America proposed an ‘Untact Solution’ — a support system that enables elderly patients to connect and communicate with their families via video. On March 26, The company visited the Fisher House and donated eight devices for the purpose.

▲ A veteran at the VA Medical Center in Georgia, is on a video call with his family.
“It was really emotional to watch the veterans and their families well up in tears as they saw each other on the video calling device. We truly wish that these difficult times end soon,” said a POSCO America official.
An official at the Fisher House expressed thanks to POSCO America for implementing the ‘With POSCO’ spirit and presenting the veterans and their families with an irreplaceable gift — true happiness.
A part of the 1% Sharing* Fund — a fund voluntarily participated by employees — was used in the donation of the devices. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Korean War and POSCO America plans to continue its support for veterans of the Korean War, including the presentation of appreciation plaques.
*1% Sharing: POSCO employees voluntarily donate 1% of their salary for social contribution activities. As of present, 99% of POSCO employees are participating.