Press Release
POSCO Gets “Smart” with Pohang Blast Furnace No.3
- #AI
- #artificial intelligence
- #ceremony
POSCO Hosts “2017 Global Volunteer Week” in 52 Countries
- #China
- #Corporate CSR
- #CSR
POSCO’s Cryogenic High Manganese Steel Becomes a Global Standard Technology
- #alloy
- #cryogenic
POSCO Completes Construction of New Steel Forming Laboratory
- #coating weight
- #corrosion
- #durability
POSCO Joins Energy Partners at Offshore Technology Conference
- #collaboration
- #energy
- #energy industry
POSCO Completes Auto Steel Plant Exclusively for POSCO GIGA STEEL
- #7CGL
- #advanced high strength steel
POSCO’s Quarterly Operating Profit More than KRW 1 Trillion
- #China
- #engineering
- #expansion
POSCO to Build Smart Factory for High-quality Anode Production
- #automotive industry
- #automotive steel
- #battery
POSCO Cuts Production Time in Half for Manganese Steel
- #collaboration
- #development
- #ExxonMobil
POSCO CEO Seeks to Double Operating Profit in 3 Years
- #automotive steel
- #CEO
- #energy
Russia’s ZPP Uses POSCO’s Solution Marketing to Acquire Quality Certification
- #API
- #gas producer
- #Gazprom
POSCO Fosters Future Experts with 2017 Global Mobility Program
- #culture
- #future
- #Global Mobility Program