Press Center
POSCO Holds Signing Ceremony for POSCO Umbrella Facility and 10 Subsidiaries in China
- #CEO
- #Dongwook Han
- #energy
POSCO Energy’s Power Plant in Vietnam Recognized as the Best in Asia
- #Asian Power Awards
- #Charlton Media Group
- #Conrad Seoul
POSCO Organizes Tech Day for Renault Samsung Motors
- #cars
- #development
- #HPF
PosMAC Shines at Renewable Energy India 2016, Asia’s Largest Energy Trade Expo
- #Asia
- #exhibition
- #Ganges Internationale
POSCO to Use VR Content to Promote Its Steel Products and Exceptional Manufacturing Process
- #equipment
- #Gwangyang Steelworks
- #HMD
POSCO Listed on DJSI for 12 Consecutive Years – a First for the World Steel Industry
- #development
- #global
POSCO Holds Completion Ceremony for Thailand CGL, Southeast Asia’s First Automotive Steel Sheet Plant
- #CGL
- #China
- #global
PossSD, POSCO’s ‘Super’ Stainless Steel, to be Used in Development of Residential Escape Ladders
- #apartment
- #Building Act
- #Chungnam Province
POSCO CEO Ohjoon Kwon Explores Plans for Supporting Growth of the Steel Industry at Steel Korea 2016
- #automative
- #ceo ohjoon kwon
- #Chairman Ohjoon Kwon
POSCO’s High Manganese Steel Floor Plate Wins the Jang Young Sil Award for Its Vibration-Resistant Qualities
- #apartment
- #buildings
- #ceremony
POSCO’s 10th Anniversary of QSS+, the Innovation DNA for a Lasting Corporation
- #culture
- #DNA
- #environment
POSCO to Post 678.5 billion Won in Operating Profit on a Consolidated Basis During the Second Quarter
- #construction
- #ICT
- #Indonesia