Press Release
POSCO Opens its First Overseas Structural Steel Solutions Center in Vietnam
- #affiliates
- #Built up H-Beam
- #china Solutions Marketing Center
POSCO-CDPC Receives Supplier of Excellence Award from DPCA
- #automotive steel
- #ceremony
- #design
POSCO Enters Chinese Cathode Materials Market
- #business
- #cathode
- #Cathode Materials Market
POSCO and UNESCO Support Out-of-School Children Throughout ASEAN
- #1% sharing foundation
- #Chiang Rai
POSCO Steel Shines at the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics
- #2008 Financial Crisis
- #aluminum
- #architecture
POSCO Back to KRW 60 Trillion in Sales
- #2016
- #2017
- #affiliates
PT. KRAKATAU POSCO Sales Exceed 10 Million Tons
- #2018
- #asia steel mill
- #China Southeast Asia
POSCO CEO Ohjoon Kwon Visits CES 2018
- #automotive steel
- #building
- #carbon
POSCO Puts the “Green” in Green Shipping
- #carbon
- #Carbon Dioxide
- #Carrier
POSCO Family Kick-off Meeting 2018: A Message from the CEO
- #2018
- #50th anniversary
- #affiliates
Brazil CSP Builds Up the Local Community
- #Brazil
- #Brazil CSP
POSCO Cultivates Overseas Employees Through Global Mobility Program
- #communication
- #corporate culture
- #culture