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Group ESG Committee Meeting Held by POSCO Holdings


CEO Jeong-woo Choi: “POSCO Group’s ESG awareness level and executive ability should be raised and real value management should become a new identity.”

About 100 people including representative directors and executives of POSCO Holdings and major business companies and heads of overseas branches participated either in-person or online

POSCO aims at 10% business site reduction of carbon emissions and 10% social reduction of carbon emissions by 2030, 50% reduction by 2040, and net-zero carbon by 2050

Plans to enhance response capabilities that suit the characteristics of each business company such as steel, secondary battery materials, trading, construction, and energy by establishing an ESG management system at the group level

POSCO Holdings held the first meeting of the Group ESG Committee since its establishment.

About 100 people participated in the meeting, which was held online and offline on March 30 at POSCO Center in Seoul. The representative directors and executives of POSCO Holdings and major business companies, and heads of overseas branches, participated along with POSCO Group CEO Jeong-woo Choi.

“We should all make efforts together to raise the ESG awareness level and executive ability of POSCO Group through the ESG Committee,” said CEO Choi. “We should make POSCO Group’s ‘real value’ story based on corporate citizenship and ESG management.” “‘Real Value’ management should become a new identity of POSCO Group,” he added.

The Group ESG Committee was established to monitor POSCO Group’s ESG issues, diagnose risks, derive response measures, and establish group-wide ESG policies with POSCO Holdings at the center as a holding company system launched by POSCO Group.

The meeting started with a special lecture by an outside expert on ESG management trends, ESG standards, and regulatory trends, and was followed by presentations on the concept of real value and corporate citizenship management philosophy, the direction of POSCO Corporate Citizenship 2022, the status of corporate citizenship for major businesses, including promotion status, and POSCO’s carbon reduction strategies, and the Corporate Citizenship Report plan.

In particular, POSCO shared its 2050 net-zero carbon vision through business site reduction and social reduction such as the implementation of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies, commercialization of hydrogen reduction iron and steel making technologies, and POSCO’s low carbon product sales strategies. POSCO aims to achieve a 10% direct business site carbon emissions reduction and 10% social reduction by 2030, a 50% reduction by 2040, and net-zero carbon by 2050.

In addition to POSCO and POSCO E&C, which previously announced the “Net-zero carbon 2050 roadmap,” major business companies such as POSCO International, POSCO Chemical, POSCO Energy, POSCO Steeleon, POSCO ICT, and POSCO M-Tech will announce and implement a “Net-zero carbon 2050 roadmap,” through Corporate Citizenship Reports and establish ESG policies such as carbon neutrality, safety, biodiversity, etc.

POSCO Holdings will hold Group ESG Committee meetings every quarter, and enhance response capabilities that suit the characteristics of each business company such as steel, secondary battery materials, trading, construction, and energy by strengthening management for carbon neutrality, safety and the environment by establishing an ESG management system at the group level.

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